RW8/Classic & Stacks 4/5


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Blend Modes are here and they're pretty awesome!

This stack makes dynamic hero areas using cutting edge browser visual effects!
 Drop Images Here 

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Version: 1.0.7 - RW 8/Classic & Stacks
Browser: Chrome, Safari, Opera, Brave, Firefox, Edge.
Best performances on Chrome

Multi-layered background with CSS Blending Effects
In this stack you can fuse two layers and a further Stripes animation. You don't need to edit the images, the layers remain independent map layers. Blend modes need two map layers to work their magic. You can add both images and gradient by changing the blending mode.
Purchase includes a demonstration project file to show you how every example on this demo was created.
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Alignment & Filters

- Flexible column with custom width and alignment with breakpoints.
- Column with backdrop-filter CSS, lets you apply blurring to the area behind contents.

Multi Layer

Two Layers with interactive blending Mode and Blur animations. Trigger effects by scroll or with mouse over. For Desktop screens there is an option to sticky the first layer, so you can slide the second layer over the main background.


This stack allows you to set more than one effect at the same time. Scroll and Blending effects can be combined in different ways. Start animation automatically or in view.


This stack is completely reactive, you can set selectively the breakpoint, From Wide screen to a smartphone.


A dashboard is available in Edit Mode with basic settings, the settings changes are reflected in the UI. You Can show/hide the preview for BG images.

Add Link to Stack

This Stack turns also any stack into a hover link. Add a link to the full banner. You can add an animation on mouse over.

Simulator in Preview

The simulator is visible only in preview. It helps you with text adjustment, the breakpoints checking and Viewport triggers.

Hype BlendModes

This Stack include "Hype BlendModes" by MaxZieb; this extension offer support for blending images.

Hype Pro

The HypePro based Stacks is the next generation of packages with original contents for RapidWeaver. All animations are designed exclusively for Stacks.
Enter the name for this tabbed section: GENERAL SETTING

Backgrounds Stack Options

Template setting
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Edit Mode Tools
- Hide/Show panel
- Hide/Show the BG preview
- Hide Stack Preview
Responsive setting
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Multiple Heights
Sets the height of the column in Pixel: Fixed or fluid
Scroll Button
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Slice: Text Colours & BG
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Slice setting
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Size and Style Setting
- Max-with and Slice
- Background Style with custom gradient
- Styled text
Slice setting
customizable column position and width, both on desktop and mobile
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Further setting
- Slice alignment with breakpoint
- Slice Shadow
- Backdrop Blur
Blending Filters
& =
Blend modes need two map layers to work their magic
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Background Layer 1
    +     +  
Add BG to the stack.
- Drag image from resources panel or disk
- Load image from URL
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Background Layer 2
    +     +     +  
Add BG to the stack.
- Drag image from resources panel or disk
- Load image from URL
- Linear Gradient
- Radial Gradient
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Add Further Stripes
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Link setting
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Advanced Link Option
This Stack turns any stack into a hover link.
Enter the name for this tabbed section: EDIT MODE

Edit Mode

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A dashboard is available to ensure ease of use. The settings changes are reflected in the edit mode UI.
Options: Show/hide images, You can also minimize the panel to save space in edit mode.
Enter the name for this tabbed section: PREVIEW

Smart Preview

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The simulator is visible only in preview. It helps you with text adjustment, the breakpoints checking and more.

Enter the name for this tabbed section: FAQ

Smooth Animation

How to increase performances?

Choose the best combination between filters, filling method and animation.
You should try the animation in more than one browser, the stack deliver "cross platform web fonts" and the result is quite identical in all browsers.

The features requiring more resources are:
- CSS filters over the BG like Blur (or you can use 2 images)
- Background with animated GIF over morphing shapes in animation.
- Background with video or similar.
- Further css filters applied to the stack with nested stack.


Can I use this Stack within other stacks?

Yes, you need to check that the animations are loaded on the main page; Stacks with lightbox or modal windows are not compatible.

Load images

How to load a Stacks4 "site image" in this stack?

- Publish the project ( to upload all "site images").
- In RW copy the URL from the Thumbnail in Resources panel.
- In the Stack Paste the image path into the URL field.
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RW: Resources panel / site image

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Stack: external "URL image"