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Version: 1.0.3 - RW8/Classic & Stacks | Browser: Chrome, Safari, Opera, Brave, Firefox, Edge.

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Path, a scroll interactive stack
Guide users to your important content.
This stack is simple but impactful. You can highlight a logical path made of texts and images with a vector line, in a simple and elegant way, with animation or static.
 Drop Images Here 

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Demo Projects

Edit Mode

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Style: Path colour and thickness
Path: Single, Center > Left, Center > Right, Right > Center, Left > Center, Right > Left, Left > Right, 2 lines, 3 lines
Responsive - Fluid
Stacks Image 114147
Edit Mode
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Responsive - Fixed
Stacks Image 114156

Path Options

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Buy Path

For RapidWeaver 8, Classic & Stacks

RW8/Classic & Stacks4/5

