Initials animations
Scale Initials + Background lines + Image fade / Slide Left / Slide Right
Version: 1.0.0 - RapidWeaver 8, RapidWeave Classic & Stacks | Browser: Chrome, Safari, Opera, Brave, Firefox, Edge.
Initials allows you to display very large texts with custom styles and animations.
Initials | Acronyms | Dates | Names | Percentages | Numbers and more!
Key Features
Set Max Width for tablet and phone.
Scroll Animations, Scale & Slide
Initials with layered text, 3 layers
Text line with custom font & colours
10 Built-in WebFons & External Google Fonts
BG & Overlay with gradient and images
Vector Animations with custom colours
Add link to stack


Edit Mode Panel
- Hide/Show info
- Hide/Show info
View Setting Editor Mode

Edit Mode Tools
- Hide/Show panel
- Hide/Show Image preview
- Hide/Show panel
- Hide/Show Image preview
Responsive setting

Main Breakpoint
Scale & Reveal second color Initials
Slide Image
Slide Image

Add Link

Add Stripes

Built In Fonts & Safe Fonts
- Alfa Slab One
- Archivo Black
- Anton
- Bevan
- Fjalla One
- Gravitas One
- LinkinPark
- Passion One
- Rubik Mono One
- Ultra
- External: Framework/Theme/Fonts Stack
- Google Font (online) with Font family name
- Archivo Black
- Anton
- Bevan
- Fjalla One
- Gravitas One
- LinkinPark
- Passion One
- Rubik Mono One
- Ultra
- External: Framework/Theme/Fonts Stack
- Google Font (online) with Font family name
Initials Setting - Multi layer Test
The text has 3 layers for each word and each layer can be manipulated with various styles.
Layer 1

Layer 2

Layer 3

Initials Font Setting

Text Line Setting

Background Setting
+ +
Add BG to the stack.
- Drag image from resources panel or disk
- Load image from URL
- Load Internal Images
- Drag image from resources panel or disk
- Load image from URL
- Load Internal Images

Box Overlay
+ +
- Flat
- Linear gradient
- Radial gradient
- Linear gradient
- Radial gradient

Image Setting

Package: Stack & Demo project with 50+ Samples