A professional theme with a modern style, featuring trendy technologies and perfect responsive behavior.
Get a fully customizable, mobile-friendly, and fast Professional Template. Lumi is a modern, unique and professional responsive HTML 5 template for corporate business and Artists. Lumi comes with different styles and it is perfect for building a modern and fully responsive website
Template Styles
20+ Theme style presets, some demosCOMPARE OPTIONS
LUMI Pro expands the already powerful standard version in RapidWeaver Classic
Compare features between LUMILITE and LUMI PRO.
Content Page Classes Gradient
Add Gradient to text ot text background PRO
BG animations
Animate the page background with fantastic effects made in GIF + Blur CSS PRO
Layout Options
Boxed or Wide layout and 4 extracontent areas, customizable colours and backgrounds
Banner Image
- In Body
- in ExtraContent 1 and 2 PRO
- Cover, Tiles, Off
- 6 Animated BG ( scroll & Fixed) PRO
- Banner Image - Scoll Parallax PRO
Content Font:
- Default font: Helvetica Neue
- Lucida Grande PRO
- Verdana PRO
- Georgia PRO
- Times
Max Width
Nav Fixed On/Off
Variabile Width with Slider
950 to 2500pixel
Hero Page with Scroll Button
Scroll Button with custom colour PRO
Logo size
Variabile height with Slider
50 to 150pixel
BreakPoint Navigation
Mobile and Desktop version
- Mobile only (compact nav) PRO
- 800 Pixel Scroll & Fixed
- 900 Pixel Scroll & Fixed
- 1000 Pixel Scroll & Fixed
- 1100 Pixel Scroll & Fixed
Responsive video
Snipped for responsive video PROEmbedded WebFont:
Classes + Titles and Navigation:1: Montserrat Medium
2: Montserrat Bold
3: Raleway
4: Ubuntu PRO
5: Signika PRO
6: Viga PRO
7: Fjalla One PRO
8: Fjalla One Uppercase PRO
9: Archivoblack PRO
10: Playfair PRO
11: Ruluko PRO
12: Archivo Narrow PRO
Combo options [+] :
Theme customized options are effective if easy to use.
We have created a small list of favorite options to help you manage the theme easily and quickly.
Responsive nav - 50% width
Back to Top Button
Layout: Rounded Corners
Sitemap Page: Boxed Layout
Awesome Font Icons 4
Awesome Font Icons 5 & 6 PRO
Force "Open link in new window" PRO
Breadcrumb: Show in footer
Side Breadcrumb.Text & BG
Breadcrumb in footer
Hide BG: Page, Box Shadow PRO
Titles Style & Ex1 Text Colour
- Titles Animation PRO
- Hide logo or Titles PRO
- Titles Font Style
- ExtraContent Colours PRO
- Text Uppercase
- Customize Text Shadow with Slider
- Show Banner Image in EX1 PRO
- BreadcrumbContainer Colour
- BreadcrumbContainer: Show in footer
Extracontent 1 Classes Gradient
• BG Gradient Col 1 & 2 PRO• Class H1 Big (you can use also class: bigger)
Page & Ex2 Text Colour
- Page Text and background colours
- ExtraContent 2 BG Colour PRO
- Text Size with Slider
- Customize Text Shadow with Slider
- ExtraContent 2 full width PRO
- Hide page and Ex2 background PRO
- Show Banner Image in EX2 PRO
- BreadcrumbContainer in footer PRO
- EX2 Banner opacity PRO
Page Classes Gradient
• BG Gradient Col 1 & 2 PRO• Class H1 Big (you can use also class: bigger) PRO
Privacy Message Style
- Text Size14/18 Pixel PRO
- Custom Colour text & BG PRO
- Center Content & Add Margin PRO
- Content Page Shadow with Slider PRO
- Button BG & Rounded Corners PRO
Progress Bar
- Show Progress Bar PRO
- Gradient Colours 1 & 2 PRO
- Bar thickness PRO
- View below PRO
- Hide in small devices PRO
Body Overlay
- Gradient Colours 1(solid) & 2 (transparent)
- Blending mode PRO
- Position colour 1 and 2
- Hide Gradient Background
Lumi Pro Template
WEBFONTS Built-in Fonts
SOCIAL ICONS Built-in Libraries
EXTRACONTENT 4 Extracontent Areas
BLENDING & ANIMATIONS Animation with Blend Modes
Example Project File RapidWeaver Plugins & Stacks
Stack ExtraContent Stack for EX areas (requires Stacks)
Classes to add Backdrop blur or Animation to any stack
SOCIAL ICONS Built-in Libraries
EXTRACONTENT 4 Extracontent Areas
BLENDING & ANIMATIONS Animation with Blend Modes
Example Project File RapidWeaver Plugins & Stacks
Stack ExtraContent Stack for EX areas (requires Stacks)
Classes to add Backdrop blur or Animation to any stack
RW8 | Classic
Stacks Plugin
Unlimited Websites
Free Theme Updates
Stacks Plugin
Unlimited Websites
Free Theme Updates