The toolbar above is only visible in preview mode, it won’t appear in published projects. It’s just on this demo to help you experiment.


This stack allows you to set 18 animations. You can animate text and some elements in the scene. You can also apply animated Gif to the text with Clip- text options

Perfect Retina

Based on "SVG" and "Vector shapes", powered by JavaScript, work in all modern browsers and look perfect at any devices. Yes, Retina too.

Fitting to your style

Creating original contents and interactivity for users is the main purpose of this stack.
Let HypeTitles work for you!

Hype & Stacks

The HypePro based Stacks is the next generation of packages with original contents for RapidWeaver. All animations are designed exclusively for Stacks.


This Stack is fully responsive, adjusting its layout widths based on your visitor's device and the current browser size.

50+ Custom Font

This stack delivers several built-in web fonts and also Web Safe font. A special option is available to use Google Fonts or an embedded font in the project.

Smart Grid & Toolbar

The construction grid is visible only in preview. It helps you with text alignment. Check the animation with the Toolbar.


You can set a max-width for your titles and the stack area will fit to responsive templates.


A dashboard is available in Edit Mode with basic settings, the settings changes are reflected in the UI.
Enter the name for this tabbed section: GENERAL SETTING
Template setting
Stacks Image 3412
Stacks Image 3822
- Animations list
- Show working area
- Template size: Fluid or Fixed
- Rotate template
Stack Background
    +     +  
Add Background.
- Drag image from resources panel or disk
- Load image from URL

Extras: Dots Grid and Gradient
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Stacks Image 3825
Stacks Image 3826
Add BG Overlay.
Flat, linear gradient, radial gradient
Stacks Image 3838
Title with Google WebFonts
Stacks Image 3442
Load Google Font Online
Slogan Setting
Stacks Image 3453
- Font family
- Text Size
- Line height
- Letter spacing
- Italic
- Uppercase
- Text Colour
- Text Decoration:
    Line Through
- Rotate Slogan
- Move Slogan
Line & Glow Setting
Stacks Image 3468
- Line colour and position
- Hide animated line
- Back Glow Colour
- Hide Glow
Scroll Button
Scroll button for hero page
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Edit and Preview
- Show text area grid
- Show toolbar to test animations
- Hide edit tool
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Title Setting
Stacks Image 3489
- Font family
- Text Size
- Line height
- Letter spacing
- Italic
- Uppercase
- Text Shadow
- Text Decoration:
    Line Through
- Text Colours A+B
- Move titles
Title: Shadow effects
Special option for modern browser.
Apply shadow filters with several styles.
Stacks Image 3506
- Default (classic shadow)
- Solid Thin, Medium and Big + inclined
- Text Border + Lateral borders
- Extra Style White + inclined
Title: Clipping Text
Special option for modern browser.
Add new dimensions to text effects using the clip-text property.
Stacks Image 3518
Drag and drop image. From your disk, from the web or from RW resources (drag image from RW resources panel).
Stacks Image 3522
Advanced setting
Stacks Image 3432
- Add link to titles area
- Hide Stacks Info in EDIT MODE
HypeTitles Built-In Fonts

Fonts 3 Styles

Open Sans
Advent Pro
Playfair Display

Fonts single style

Open Sans Condensede
Bree Serif
Rubik Mono One
Archivo Black
Fjalla One

Safe Fonts

Arial Black
Comic Sans
Lucida Sans
Trebuchet MS

Cordial Font

Semi Bold
Inline Bdrounded
Cherry Bdrounded
External Fonts

External Google Fonts

Custom font with Google WebFonts library

External Font

Font from project, theme or Framework
Enter the name for this tabbed section: EDIT & PREVIEW

Edit Mode Responsive UI

Stacks Image 3545
A dashboard is available to ensure ease of use. The settings changes are reflected in the edit mode UI.

- Title Font Family and Colours A+B
- Slogan Font Family and Colour
- Line (on/off) and Colour
- Back Glow (on/off) and Colour
- Construction Grid in preview (on/off)

Smart Grid

Stacks Image 3568
Enter the name for this tabbed section: FAQ

Smooth Animation

How to increase performances?

Choose the best combination between font, filling method and animation.
You should try the animation in more than one browser, the stack deliver "cross platform web fonts" and the result is quite identical in all browsers but depends on the font.

The features requiring more resources are:
- Text Shadow with complex font and/or animation style.
- Clipping text with images or animated GIF with complex font and/or animation style.
- Background with video or similar.
- Further css filters applied to the stack with nested stack.

Animation setting on startup

How to add a delay to animation?

You can starts the animation without delay, or apply a small delay, one or two seconds.
Moreover you can show the text without animation: just set the option "no animation".
With "static" active you can add further fade-in or scale effect. This is useful for all internal pages of your project.
Stacks Image 3582
Options for "static" setting
Stacks Image 3622


how many font can I use?

The stacke delivers several built-in WebFonts. Yo ucan also add some "Safe Fonts" and all Fonts by google available here, just use the "custom font" option and paste the font name.
Stacks Image 3627

Clippping Text

How to apply a custom image to title?

- Choose fthe option "Activate Clipping Text"
- Drag your image or select "image URL" and paste your URL
- Set the vertical position of your image with "Vertical Adjust" slider
Note: The "Title shadow" option is not available if "clipping text " is active. The clipping image is not visible in the dashboard in "Edit mode".
INFO: On GIPHY you can find cool gif to color your titles.
- Go to Giphy and select your favorite GIF
- Click to "Copy Link" and select "GIF Link"
- Copy and paste this URL in the field
Stacks Image 3606
Stacks Image 3608

Giphy site

Stacks Image 3601

Stack Panel / Clipping Text

Titles size in Small Devices

How to increase the text width in small devices?

- Sets the maximum width of the text work area (Up to 1300px).
- Set the maximum title size and adjust the slogan proportionately.
- Now you can change the maximum width on the desktop.
Stacks Image 3656
Note: To get a better control of the maximum width of your working area, just display the grid!

Load images

How to load a Stacks 4 "site image" in this stack?

- Publish the project ( to upload all "site images").
- In RW copy the URL from the Thumbnail in Resources panel.
- In the Stack Paste the image path into the URL field.
Stacks Image 3645

RW: Resources panel / site image

Stacks Image 3640

Stack: external "URL image"

Google Fonts

How to apply Google Fonts to title?

The external fonts you may upload by google, must be always tested and we cannot guarantee the correct rendering of the fonts in all browsers; it depending on the font that you use.
Stacks Image 3669

Google site

Stacks Image 3664

Stack Panel

- Set "Custom font" in the Stack
- Go to
- Select yoru favorite font
- Copy and paste the font name
Note: The External font is not visible in the dashboard in "Edit mode". Only built-in fonts are visible in "Edit mode".

Google Fonts Variations

How to edit theGoogle Fonts Weight?

In Google Font you're able to choose the thickness of the web-font.
Some fonts don't support all weight variations, so you have to check in GoogleFont Site which is the right set for each font.

  IMPORTANT NOTE: With the wrong weight the character is NOT displayed correctly. This is not a bug. Many fonts in Google have no variations but only the default value. Check carefully and set the right value.

Font weight setting in Google Fonts
Compare two different thickness settings

Stacks Image 3691

Font with some specific styles + Italic
This Font works with THREE styles only

Stacks Image 3686

Font with just one style + Italic
This Font works with ONE style only

  WebFonts and Browser Compatibility

All the fonts embedded in the stack, including special characters and punctuation marks, have been tested. however some styles may be rendered differently by each browser.
  Safe fonts and Browser Compatibility

Even if compatible some "Safe Fonts" are rendered differently in some browsers. Some "Safe Fonts" are not available by default on iOS and Android devices and they will be substituted by browsers on these devices as it is a licensed font from Microsoft.


Can I use this Stack within other stacks?

Yes, you need to check that the animations are loaded on the main page; Stacks with lightbox or modal windows are not compatible.