RapidWeaver Theme
Lumi Version: 1.0.6 - Solved issue in Blog Titles and new code to use icon with Awesome Font V4.


AF & Elegant icons


Embedded Icons and social icons

Responsive Options:


Build in support for iPad / tablets / iPhone / Smartphone

Drop Navigation:

  • Menu Uppercase
  • Button with custom Text
  • Hide text In small Devices

RW Sliders

LUMI ships with several options for layouts, including the RW8 "sliders".

Color opacity.

in this theme it can change the opacity of the fill color.

BG Parallax

In this theme you can set the parallaxing for the Banner Image

Key Features

RW8 / Classic theme

WEBFONTSBuilt-in Fonts

SOCIAL ICONSBuilt-in Libraries

EXTRACONTENT 4 Extracontent Areas

RESPONSIVE VIDEOYour videos on any device

Add your image to body, or Ex1 and Ex2

Cyclic animations, no video files!

Text Gradient
2 Colours custom gradient

Theme GDPR Compliant
No calls to any third-party hosted libraries

Desktop + Mobile or just the Mobile Nav.

Stacks Image 3027

LUMI Demo project:

It's help you in customising pages to fit your needs, all codes are commented with examples for responsive text, webfonts and icons.
The Project of this demo is available with the theme.

ExtraContent 3


DEMO TEXT: We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our Addons website. Click here for more info.