The theme optional panel lets you select from over 100 options customise content arrangements, use animated titles, add image backgrounds, change colours, the layouting potential is near limitless. Template for RapidWeaver 8 | Classic | Elements
Version 1.1.7
- Updated Hype Animation Core
- Solved issue in Blog Title (RW classic)
Animated Titles:
Animation can be started in:
- Start immediately
- Start after 1sec
- Static (no animation)
Title + Slogan + Line + Back Glow
Title and Slogan Options:
- Title: Shadow Filter
- Title: Italic, Uppercase, Underline
- Slogan: Italic, Uppercase, Underline
- Hide Slogan
Clipping text
Special Option for modern browser:Clipping text, Built-In Snippets available

Titles Area
Animation with multiple styles and responsive behavior
- Scroll to Cont. Button (if active)
- Vertical Shift
- Top padding
- Max Width Template
- Rotate Template
Titles Size and position:
- Text size
- Line Height
- Letter Spacing
- Vertical Shift
- Horizontal Shift
- Rotate
Line and Back Glow:
- Line color
- Hide Line
- Show Back Glow
- Vertical Shift
- Horizontal Shift
EDIT MODE: Working Grid
Useful for elements alignment and the text scaling inside the safety area

Built-In Snippets
The theme provides snippets through options. Open the option, copy and paste the custom code. Done!

This set is really flexible. It's not only easy to customise everything from the position of the titles, the size and the colours, but also with all decoration styles like italic, underline and, text spacing and more.
You can also add Google-fonts to your Titles! You don't need to do any programming; all you have to do is add a special stylesheet link to your HTML document, a snippet is available. In the demo project you can find some examples.

RW Sliders
The Hype Theme ships with several options for layouts, including the RW8 "sliders" for Page width, text asize, logo size and more
Color opacity.
Customizable colors with alpha channel for RGBA transparency
16 Built-in Titles
HTML5 animations with custom controls. You can move and rotate all elements with slidersDesktop Navigation: Custom padding, font size and rounded corners with Slider

Awesome & Elegant icons
Embedded Icons and social icons
Responsive Options:
Build in support for iPad / tablets / iPhone / Smartphone
- Horizontal + Drop Navigation
- Menu Uppercase
- Show/hide "menu" button + pulse effect
- Show "scroll button" to content
Banner Image
• Cover, Tiles, Off
Body CSS Filters with Slider
- Brightness
- Contrast
- Saturate
- Invert
- Grayscale
- Sepia
- Opacity
Frame Corners
- Content Page + animation
- Content & Sidebar + animation
- Frame Color

ExtraContent Options
- Exteacontent 1 Padding with Slider
- Exteacontent 2 Padding with Slider
- Text Size with Slider

Embedded WebFont:
Titles + Classes + Navigation:1: Raleway
2: Pacifico
3: Open Sans Condensed
4: Bree Serif
5: Signika
6: Rockestes
7: Rubik Mono One
8: Abel
9: Playfair
10: Archivoblack
11: Montserrat
12: Fjalla One
13: Fjalla Uppercase
14: Ubuntu
15: Great Vibes
16: Alfa Slab One
Privacy Policy Style
- Text, Bg and Button Colours
- Change text size
- Center content & Add padding
- Button Outline & Rounded Corners
- Banner with rounded corners
- Dark Overlay (Vignetting
- Banner Position Top Middle, Bottom.
Max Width
Variabile Width with Slider
950 to 2500pixel
Logo size
Variabile Width with Slider
180 to 360pixel
Variabile height with Slider
100 to 180pixel
Content Font:
- Default font: Helvetica Neue
- Lucida Grande
- Verdana
- Georgia
- Times
Combo options [+] :
Theme customized options are effective if easy to use
We have created a small list of favorite options to help you manage the theme easily and quickly.
- Back to Top Button ( center or right)
- Awesome Font: Library V4, 5, 6
- Force "Open link in new window"
- Breadcrumbcontainer: in footer
- Add Background Vignetting
- Rounded Corners images, Slider
- 100% - sidebar below / Hide
- 900 Pixel
- 1000 Pixel
- 1100 Pixel
- 1200 Pixel
Content Page Options
- Text Justified
- Text Uppercase
- Fluid image StyledText+Blog
- Text Size with Slider
Color - Extracontent 1 & 2
- Links - Default
- Links - Highlight
- Text
Color - Layout
- Title and Slogan
- Page text, links and background
- Sidebar text, links and background
- Body background
- footer text

HYPE Demo project:This file empowers users to create their own pages quickly and easily leaving more time for layout and interface experimentation.
It's help you in customising pages to fit your needs, all codes are commented with examples for responsive text, webfonts and icons.
The Project of this demo is available with the theme; except for pages with third-party stacks and external plugins.
It's help you in customising pages to fit your needs, all codes are commented with examples for responsive text, webfonts and icons.
The Project of this demo is available with the theme; except for pages with third-party stacks and external plugins.