Version 1.0.8
- Updated internal JS library to latest version
- Erased commented code in HTML

Awesome & Elegant icons
Embedded Icons and social icons
Responsive Options:
Build in support for iPad / tablets / iPhone / Smartphone
Drop Navigation:
- Menu Uppercase
- Button with custom Text
- Hide text In small Devices

RW Sliders
AURA ships with several options for layouts, including the RW8 "sliders".

Color opacity.
in this theme it can change the opacity of the fill color.
BG Vector Parallax
In this theme you can set the parallaxing for the Vector animationTheme Options
Drop Navigation
Variable width, custom colors, text size, WebFonts and ExtraContent area for further contents
HTML5 animations
Animate the page background with fantastic effects made in HTML5. This is a brand new feature in RapidWeaver Themes!
Layout Options
Variable with, left/bottom sidebar, 3 extracontent areas, customizable colours and backgrounds
Banner Image
In Body and ExtraContent 1- Cover, Tiles, Off
Content Font:
- Default font: Helvetica Neue
- Lucida Grande
- Verdana
- Georgia
Logo size
Variabile Width with Slider
180 to 300pixel
Variabile height with Slider
50 to 200pixel
Max Width
Nav Fixed On/Off
Variabile Width with Slider
950 to 2500pixel
BreakPoint Sidebar
Left / Right / Bottom / Hide
- 100% - sidebar bottom / Hide
- 900 Pixel
- 1000 Pixel
- 1100 Pixel
- 1200 Pixel
- 1300 Pixel
Embedded WebFont:
Classes + Titles and Navigation:1: Montserrat Medium
2: Montserrat Bold
3: Raleway
4: Ubuntu
5: Signika
6: Viga
7: Fjalla One
8: Fjalla One Uppercase
9: Archivoblack
10: Playfair
Combo options [+] :
Theme customized options are effective if easy to use.
We have created a small list of favorite options to help you manage the theme easily and quickly.
Back to Top Button
Layout: Rounded Corners
Sitemap Page: Boxed Layout
Awesome Font Embedded Library
Force "Open link in new window"
Titles Style & Ex1 Text Colour
- Titles Animation
- Titles Font Style
- ExtraContent Colours
- Text Uppercase
- Fluid image StyledText+Blog
- Text Size with Slider
- Customize Text Shadow with Slider
- BreadcrumbContainer Colour
- BreadcrumbContainer Top: BG / Side / Hide shadow
- BreadcrumbContainer: Show in footer
10 Body Animation
Built-in HTML5 animations- Customize colours
- Customize transparency
- Animation or Static
Content Page Options
- Content Page: Text Size14/18 Pixel
- Fluid image (edge to edge)
- Content Page Shadow with Slider
- Text justified
- Page, Sidebar and Footer Colours
- Hide Background: Page, EX2, Box Shadow
Special Options
Page: Show Box Shadow
X Page: Header Off (titles and logo)
X Hide BG: Page, Sidebar, EX2
Breadc. in footer
Colours - Layout
Navigation, Content Page, Sidebar, Extracontents
- Title and Slogan
- Page text, links and background
- Sidebar text, links and background
- Body background
- footer text

AURA Demo project:
This file empowers users to create their own pages quickly and easily leaving more time for layout and interface experimentation.
It's help you in customising pages to fit your needs, all codes are commented with examples for responsive text, webfonts and icons.
The Project of this demo is available with the theme; except for pages with third-party stacks and external plugins.
Note: this project requires RW8+
ExtraContent 3
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